Weill Cornell Medicine also serves as the clinical coordinating center. The University of Michigan serves as the data coordinating center for the study. The study biomarker specimens will be obtained and stored for future research by the CLASS laboratory also at the University of Michigan. UCLA serves as the Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) Core. They ensure that all PFTs performed in the study are performed correctly. The University of Iowa serves as the CT reading core. They ensure that all CT scans are performed correctly and quantify emphysema on the CT scans performed in the study. They will also provide visual reading of the pre-entry CT for emphysema diagnosis by chest radiologists.
Fifteen clinical research sites will recruit participants who are 30 years of age or older and current or former smokers. Eligible participants must have emphysema on CT imaging and reduced diffusing capacity (DLco). Researchers will collect various measurements, biological samples, and other data over 72 months.
Clinical Research Coordinator: Janice Drake
Email: Janice.Drake@osumc.edu
Phone: (614) 366-2186
Clinical Research Coordinator: Sara Hubert
Email: sarahubert@wustl.edu
Phone: (314) 454-0058
Clinical Research Coordinator: Cara Porter
Email: ceporter@uabmc.edu
Phone: (205) 975-4440
Clinical Research Coordinator: Roslyn McGill
Email: rmcgill.mednet.ucla.edu
Phone: (310) 206-8211
Clinical Research Coordinator: Michelle Orsburn
Email: morsburn@health.ucsd.edu
Phone: (619) 543-5217
Clinical Research Coordinator: Patricia Karausky
Email: plk1@pitt.edu
Phone: (412) 651-4842
Clinical Research Coordinator: Sydney Baybayan
Email: sbaybay1@jhmi.edu
Phone: (410) 550-0800
Clinical Research Coordinator: Ashley Soliwoda
Email: aso@med.cornell.edu
Phone: (212) 746-9341
Clinical Research Coordinator: Summer Granger
Email: summer.mcmasterbennett@duke.edu
Phone: (919) 660-4167
Clinical Research Coordinator: Margaret Shimko
Email: Margaret.Shimko@tuhs.temple.edu
Phone: (215) 707-9610
Clinical Research Coordinator: Lindsay Legg
Email: lmlegg@uw.edu
Phone: (206) 744-8748 box:359929
Clinical Research Coordinator: Michelle Saemann
Email: saemanmd@ucmail.uc.edu
Phone: (513) 584-5521
Clinical Research Coordinator: Amy Sbrolla
Email: asbrolla@mgh.harvard.edu
Phone: (617) 726-5598
Clinical Research Coordinator: Brenda Lastra Bojorquez
Email: brenda.lastrabojorquez@uth.tmc.edu
Phone: (713) 500-6782
Clinical Research Coordinator: Claudia Santos
Email: csantos15@miami.edu
Phone: (305) 243-9034
Clinical Research Coordinator: Mayange Frederick
Email: Mayange.Frederick@downstate.edu
Phone: (718) 613-8641
Clinical Research Coordinator: Ana Maria Moldoveanu
Email: ammoldo@emory.edu
Phone: (404) 616-9330
Clinical Research Coordinator: Soliman Attia
Email: sattia@tulane.edu
Phone: (504) 988-6803